Cash bonanza for cops, informants

In the wake of continuing firearm attacks, mainly in the Western and Southern provinces, police headquarters yesterday (25) announced cash incentives to police officers and their informants regarding information leading to the arrest of persons, along with illegal weapons and explosives.
In a case of the arrest of a person along with a T 56 weapon, both police and information would receive Rs 250,000 each, Police Headquarters said. If a recovery of a T- 56 was made, without an arrest of a suspect, the police would receive Rs 200,000 and the information Rs 250,000, police said.
An informant providing information leading to the recovery of a repeater shotgun could receive Rs 50,000 while the police too were entitled for the same amount.In a case of the arrest of a person along with a revolver, pistol or some other automatic weapon police would receive Rs 150,000 each whereas informants Rs 250,000 each. However, if only weapons were recovered the police were entitled for Rs 100,000 for each weapon while the informants received Rs 250,000 each.